Miss Methods

systems to organize your life and thrive with your health, money, and career

Women working outside the home struggle to prioritize their health

Stress and Mental Health

Relieving Stress

  • What is the worst-case scenario?
  • How likely is it to happen?
  • Assuming it does happen, what can I do to offset the impact?
  • How can I prepare myself mentally and emotionally to cope with this event?
  • How will I feel if this scenario plays out?
  • Can I process those feelings today?”

Sedentary Lifestyle and Physical Health

How to avoid a sedentary lifestyle at work 

Poor Nutrition Habits

Healthy Eating Tips for Working Women

  1. Serving size – to start always take a peek at the serving size and ask yourself honestly, how many servings of this do I usually eat? For the longest time I took my coffee with a free load of creamer “it’s only 35 calories”. Until i realized the serving size was a teaspoon! My coffee was white, lets just say I was far exceeding the serving size.
  2. Fiber – because I suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) fiber is critical to my gut health. Now, I always make sure my foods have a good percentage (>10%) of my daily fiber intake.
  3. Sugar– you would be surprised to see how much sugar is hidden in “healthy” meals. Always note this value and understand the percentage of your daily intake each serving consumes. Sometimes you are better off having a literal candy bar than the sneaky sugar in your everyday products. 

Sleep Deprivation

New Moms and Sleep 

“Women have a longer circadian rhythm than men which leads to more sleep for women…women need 8-10 hours…the sleep cycles are similar, but cortisol goes down and melatonin goes up sooner in women than men[10].” 

Research from the National Sleep Foundation: “Women and Sleep” – National Sleep Foundation

Optimizing Bedtime for Women Working

  1. Optimizing my phone to digital minimalism.
  2. Establishing a routine with cues that tell my brain it’s time to sleep.
  3. Filling out my habit tracker on paper to avoid blue light.

Overall Self-Care for Working Women

Minority Women face Bigger Challenges

Women working on their health should be aware of the hierarchy of needs. Then take it one step further to this hierarchy of self-care.
from @sithwithwhit
  • [1] American Psychological Association: [Stress in America Survey](https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2019/stress-america-2019.pdf)
  • [2]
  • [3] British Journal of Sports Medicine: [Sitting Time and Depression Risk](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/11/818)
  • [4]
  • [5] Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: [Impact of Work on Dietary Habits](https://jandonline.org/article/S2212-2672(17)30390-7/fulltext)
  • [6] National Sleep Foundation: [Sleep in America Poll](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSF_Sleep_in_America_2007.pdf)
  • [7] Journal of Sleep Research: [Long Working Hours and Sleep Disturbances](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19178538/)
  • [8] Study published in the journal Sleep: "Sleep Duration and Patterns in Healthy Women at 40 and 60 Years Old." Sleep, Volume 29, Issue 7, July 2006, Pages 847–853.
  • [9] Selcho, Madison. “Here’s the Reason Why Women Need More Sleep than Men.” Yahoo Life, 31 Dec. 2023, www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/reason-why-women-more-sleep-190110909.html? Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.
  • [10]
  • [11] Journal of Occupational Health Psychology: [Self-Care and Burnout](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2015-31115-001)